Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Flying to London tomorrow to meet Alan Knight of International Animal Rescue. Brainstorming questions to ask and trying to learn to say please and thank you in Indonesian.



All the best to Ethan and Kim; both of you are starting very exciting projects and it's great that they are so inter-related! This blog will be followed closely by many friends and family, I'm sure.

Unknown said...

Hi my dear brother,

I am at school and am happy to read your blog! Great beginning. I'm really excited for you guys. I can't wait to share your blog with a few of my students. We just yesterday got approved to launch a 3 week animal cruelty awareness project/fundraiser for September. The kids are in grade 7 and they are really pumped. It was their idea. We are raising the money for the SPCA. Cool eh?

So, much different than what you are doing, but I think animal loving is engrained in our souls...xoox and send my love to Kim. Safe flight...I'll be thinking of you!

Sista Rachel

Ethan Reitz said...

@ Cheryl - I really hope that we can put up some content that holds peoples' interest and keeps 'em coming back! ;)

@ Rachel - we just had a veterinarian here who works for the SPCA in Hong Kong, Dr. Karthi Krishnasamy. I filmed her, Karmele Sanchez and Kim performing a Hysterectomy on a cat. That is one of the things the SPCA does a lot in developing countries to control the population growth in street animals. It was an amazing experience. It reminded me of Rosemary Plumber sewing up Goldie after she came in with a huge gash in her side. This was very different! The incision was very small, the cat was under a general anesthetic and was back on her feet in less than half an hour following the op. Wow! Karthi has performed up to 63 such operations in a day with a veterinary team.

I hope your kids get a chance to see the blog and I hope they find it educating and entertaining. Animal welfare is not only for pet lovers - cruelty to animals is of concern for everyone. Respect for other creatures is a sign of intelligence and maturity. Really cool that you are doing that!

We came from a very different world than most of your kids I bet.

I'm looking forward to seeing you both soon!

